喜讯:热烈庆祝万菱广场六楼年货盛大开业2022年10月11日,万菱广场六楼年货盛大开业,品牌商家强势进驻,喜迎八方来客,诚待四海贵宾! ...Details
热烈欢迎总领事们莅临万菱广场参观交流2022年8月12日下午,秘鲁、厄瓜多尔、委内瑞拉、巴拿马、 墨西哥总领事莅临万菱广场参观交流。 ...Details
一带一路▪万菱好货第六届(线上+线下+N)采购节 盛大开幕2022年7月26日,一带一路▪万菱好货第六届(线上+线下+N)采购节盛大开幕! ...Details
A group of leaders from the private Hualian college visited Yide business district to carry out business visits and research activitiesOn June 22, 2022, zhangguolin, the Secretary of the Party committee of ...Details
Leaders of Guangzhou Municipal Bureau of Commerce visited Wanling squareOn the morning of March 4, 2022, Wu Bingxiang, deputy director of Comm ...Details
Yang Shen, member of the Standing Committee of the CPC Xihu District Committee and executive vice mayor of Nanchang, and his party visited Wanling square for investigationOn the morning of February 28, 2022, Yang Shen, member of the Standing ...Details
The budget Working Committee of the Standing Committee of Guangzhou Municipal People's Congress visited Wanling square for investigationOn the afternoon of February 23, 2022, Shen Kui, Secretary of the Part ...Details
The lion is awakened to celebrate the Spring Festival in Qishi, and the drum is noisy to welcome the peak year...Details
One belt, one road, good cargo, the fifth Online + offline +N Shopping Festival opened.In January 12, 2022, one belt, one road, the best fifth goods online a ...Details