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Drum music to celebrate the new year

2021-02-25 17:02:00 Views: 702

Guide: At 10:30 a.m. on February 25, 2021 (the 14th day of the first month of the xinchou lunar year), the New Year Lion awakening ceremony of Wanling square officially began.


万菱广场高层领导与众多商家一起为八头色彩夺目、精神抖擞的狮子点睛,点睛即为唤醒狮子,并带给它们散播幸福与吉祥的能力,寓意繁荣富贵,生意兴隆。同时也It means that in the new year, Wanling Plaza is in the lead of great fortune。点睛后,八头狮子一跃而起,跳跃舞动,活灵活现,还有上下翻腾的舞龙配合,共启2021年吉庆年!

舞狮团队接下来前往万菱广场的商场以及写字楼等区域巡游踏场,祈福纳财,为商户/企业进行了舞狮表演,同时也送去了新春的吉祥和好运,I wish you a prosperous business, a lot of money, good luck!