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    Customer Service Hotline:020-6110 2110 / 020-8328 0048Mailbox:hr@onelinkplaza.com

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    Square address:No. 39 Jiefang South Road, Yuexiu District, Guangzhou Monday to Sunday 9AM - 7PM

    Line 2, line 6 Haizhu Square Station B exit.Haizhu square station, Yide east station, Chiao Kwong west station, Chiu Kwong East Station

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Riches and honour

2017-10-18 16:50:00 Views: 2080

Guide: Glass, ceramics, velvet sand, ebony, silk, handicraft, ornaments.


Riches and honour拥有的强大的设计研发和生产能力使其产品得以取天地之材,如玉石、水晶、琉璃、合金、珐琅彩、水晶等等,以满足我们的尊贵客户的多种商务需求和应用领域,包括会议、节日、商务馈赠、员工嘉奖等等。同时,我们也不断推出极富行业性的特种礼品系列,并为客户提供量身定做的个性化服务,如在产品和包装上印刻企业标识、针对企业的特点进行产品个性化设计和制作等,务求使您的企业和产品在激烈的市场竞争中脱颖而出.

High-quality and professional design team make us undoubtedly in the leading position of the same industry in product design and development. We pay close attention to the trends of fashion trends. With our keen touch and love for fashion, we inject more fashion elements into the product development process. In the rapidly developing gift market, innovation is our core competitiveness and the strategic direction of our sustainable development.

Address: Shop 048, Area A, 6th floor, Wanling Square, 39 Jiefang South Road, Guangzhou, Room 11-12, 12th floor
