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Soft and Hard Tianshi Decoration Experience Center Re-opens in Shenzhen Exhibition 2017

2017-10-23 17:26:00 Views: 2212

Guide: The 25th China (Shenzhen) International Gift and Household Products Exhibition (hereinafter referred to as "Shenzhen Exhibition") will be held in Shenzhen Convention and Exhibition Center from October 20 to 23, 2017. Shenzhen Exhibition is the largest and most influential industry leading exhibition in the gift industry in China. It attracts more than 100,000 professional buyers every year.

第二十五届中国(深圳)国际礼品及家居用品展览会(以下简称“Shenzhen Exhibition)将于2017年10月20日至23日在深圳会展中心举办。深圳展是目前国内礼品行业规模最大、最具品牌影响力的行业龙头展会,展会每年吸引十余万专业买家前来采购。


Wanling Square Booth

Wan Ling PlazaBring new products to the Shenzhen Exhibition again.

届时“Soft and Hard Tianshi Decoration Experience Center”和“Wan Ling purchase”展示各类原创潮流软装产品、特色家居饰品、商业装饰品.....零距离体验产品的魅力,绝对让人爱不释手!



Soft and Hard Tianshi Decoration Experience Center,打造全新的体验式购物方式,集软装商品线下展示、线上销售和装饰设计服务于一体,Guangzhou is a unique home ornaments, commercial decoration and original product experience space.


软硬天师装饰体验中心Attracted many customers to visit and understand, visitors are more interested in its products!

Wan Ling Plaza展示的产品,将为大家带来更多的新体验!欢迎大家光临7C30-33展位参观,我们也希望和喜欢“万菱广场”的你,一起将万菱广场“Soft and Hard Tianshi Decoration Experience Center”品牌推荐给更多的人!