2017年10月18日下午,第122届广交会越秀文商旅游团(The following abbreviations: Cultural Brigade Corps)就国际贸易项目莅临万菱广场考察。万菱广场覃俊彪营运总监等主要负责人陪同,广交会旅游团分有乌兹别克、波兰、巴西等国约80人。
Does this mean that the transnational trade in Wanling Square is on the rise? Let's see what they did first.
文旅团在万菱广场覃俊彪营运总监等人员的陪同下,进入Wan Ling Plaza商场内参观考察。这座最早的广交会旧址旁的摩天大楼,透过8大商贸平台,辐射国内50多个城市,连通世界60多个国家和地区,是名副其实的南中国创意潮流产品设计展示基地。
通过乘手扶梯,文旅团进一步深入考察Wan Ling Plaza楼层商铺。万菱广场所展示的众多商品,让Foreign guests都爱不释手及称赞。
The cultural tour group visited the 8th floor of Wanling Square (Soft and Hard Tianshi Decoration Experience Center).
The group returned to visit the shop on the 1st floor of Wanling Plaza [REMAX].
The Canton Fair, founded in 1957, is a comprehensive international trade event with the longest history, the highest level, the largest scale, the most variety of commodities, the largest number of visitors and the best trading effect in China.
“第122届广交会越秀文商旅游团”由波兰、巴西、美国、塞尔维亚、乌克兰等近百名的外国参展商组成,他们多数为首次参加广交会的客商,对岭南文化尤为感兴趣,万菱广场的创新商贸平台和精美的商品让外宾们眼前一亮。They expressed that Yuexiu's "Guangzhou Ancient City Tour" made them understand the history and culture of Guangzhou, and also saw business opportunities for cooperation.
此次文旅团的考察,有望通过这个平台To Wanling Square and Wanling merchants to further open up cross-border trade.