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    Customer Service Hotline:020-6110 2110 / 020-8328 0048Mailbox:hr@onelinkplaza.com

  • How to get to OneLink Plaza

    Square address:No. 39 Jiefang South Road, Yuexiu District, Guangzhou Monday to Sunday 9AM - 7PM

    Line 2, line 6 Haizhu Square Station B exit.Haizhu square station, Yide east station, Chiao Kwong west station, Chiu Kwong East Station

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Operation guide for preferential rent of Wanling square

2020-02-11 09:50:38 Views: 657


Hello everyone!

Wanling Square shops (non small owner shops and office buildings) have accumulated one month's rent reduction. Please complete the following registration:

1、 Complete and submit the application for extension of business operation;

Identify QR code


2、 Complete the registration form of "one person, one file"

Identify QR code


3、 Confirm the supplementary agreement of rent preference online first;

Identify QR code


4、 Those who complete the above work before 24:00 on February 15 can enjoy preferential qualification;

5、 With regard to payment, our company has launched the online payment function, and we hope that businesses will strive for online transfer by scanning the QR code before February 15 to avoid late fees.

(payment QR code)