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    Square address:No. 39 Jiefang South Road, Yuexiu District, Guangzhou Monday to Sunday 9AM - 7PM

    Line 2, line 6 Haizhu Square Station B exit.Haizhu square station, Yide east station, Chiao Kwong west station, Chiu Kwong East Station

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One belt, one road sale, Yuexiu District, Wan Ling, the best seller.

2020-12-24 10:59:00 Views: 1108

Guide: One belt, one road municipal government, the relevant government departments and other functional departments are concerned about and support the venue. It is a free operation venue to let Wan Ling have the opportunity to lead businessmen into the Yuexiu Millennium commercial center, Beijing Road, and participate in the sales promotion activities of Yuexiu District Wan Ling good goods area, helping businesses expand their sales channels, let the public enjoy their consumption, and add color to the good life.

为贯彻落实习近平总书记关于加快形成以国内大循环为主体、国内国际双循环相互促进的新发展格局的重要指示精神,依托越秀区商贸业规模优势,越秀区加快形成新发展格局、高质量加快构建“一核一带一区”区域发展格局,推动传统商贸业转型升级,以更高质量加快建成广州“老城市新活力创新发展示范区”,On October 28, Zhang shuofu, Secretary of Guangzhou municipal Party committee, paid a visit to Wanling square and stressed that promoting the integrated development of domestic and foreign trade is an important part of smooth domestic circulation and connecting domestic and international dual circulation

One belt, one road municipal government, the relevant government departments and other functional departments are concerned about and support the venue. It is a free operation venue to let Wan Ling have the opportunity to lead businessmen into the Yuexiu Millennium commercial center, Beijing Road, and participate in the sales promotion activities of Yuexiu District Wan Ling good goods area, helping businesses expand their sales channels, let the public enjoy their consumption, and add color to the good life.

Wan Ling, one belt, one road, a good street.。 At present, it has set up 2 cars and 40 stalls. Wanling Plaza business participation is very high. The scene was unprecedentedly grand. The rich and diverse foreign customs and high-quality goods exported and sold at home attracted many citizens to stop watching. Miss Chen, a citizen, couldn't help praising: "it's very good to hold such an exhibition. The products are diverse and practical. The most important thing is that the price is reasonable. I can't help buying a big bag. Wanling is really a good product. In the future, I will take my friends to Wanling to purchase! "

(photo: crowds at the exhibition site)

本次One belt, one road, good cargo operation.,我们还邀请了Georgia "one belt, one road" business hall的负责人贝卡先生参加,他说:“一带一路万菱好货对刺激消费有推动作用,希望日后有机会和万菱一起将一带一路上25个国家的商务代表及企业代表聚集在这个平台上,将万菱打造成为一带一路商务集聚地,以双向贸易、旅游、文化、科技等为方向,集群互助共赢式发展。”

(photo: Booth one business area in Georgia one belt, one road)

本次展销活动,意在营造和谐消费环境,促进经济又好又快发展。努力形成以国内大循环为主体,国内国际双循环相互促进的新发展格局。在活动现场,万菱广场积极响应越秀区打造中央商务区、创新发展先行区和品质城市示范区的政策思路,为提高人民生活水平和品质需求,降低消费成本及流通领域环节,打造无人销售体验中心,创新推出“No one sells”的新经营模式。消费者通过扫一扫产品上的二维码即可进入万菱广场的在线商城——万菱购进行商品的选购,一键下单即可快递到家。

(photo: no sales booth)

(photo: no sales booth)

Recently, China has formally signed the regional comprehensive economic partnership agreement (RCEP) with ten ASEAN countries, Japan, South Korea, Australia and New Zealand, giving Guangzhou new development opportunities. We will make full use of the market advantages of Guangzhou, which has been rooted for thousands of years, and continuously promote the upgrading of professional wholesale market. Reform, innovation and upgrading, jointly create space pilot, carry out live e-commerce business, introduce a new mode of "online drainage + physical wholesale + live with goods", and develop from traditional industries to online and offline integration. In this event, Wanling led the merchants to take the road of live broadcast e-commerce, opening a new economic model of online and offline integration.

未来,万菱广场将继续坚持“Entity + e-commerce + upgrading + management improvement”的发展战略,着力打造龙头商贸形象,实施网络平台化、商贸国际化、金融贸易化、服务现代化的展贸战略布局,接轨电子商务、现代物流、数字会展、原创动漫IP孵化基地等新业态,打造全方位、多领域的万菱体系,提升越秀区域商业活力,塑造广州城市新形象。